Monday, 25 May 2015

The bank job(2008)Hindi Dubbed


The bank job(2008)ionlinewatchWatch Online Hindi Dubbed  Full Movie Hindilinks4u:
Director Hindilinks4u:Roger Donaldson
Producer:Chuck Roven ,Steve Chasman

Music:J. Peter Robinson

Genre :Adventure,Horror, Fantasy,  Thriller

Cast :Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows , Richard Lintern , Keeley Hawes , Stephen Campbell Moore , Michael Jibson , Georgia Taylor , Daniel Mays , David Suchet, Peter de Jersey , Gerard Horan , Don Gallagher , Craig Fairbrass , Peter Bowles , James Faulkner, Alki David , Robert Whitelock , Julian Lewis Jones, Andrew Brooke , Sharon Maughan, Colin Salmon, Alistair Petrie , Hattie Morahan , Rupert Frazer , Christopher Owen, Angus Wright , Les Kenny-Green , Jamie Kenna , Taylor Samways , Dillon McFarlane , Mick Jagger,

The bank job(2008)Hindilinks4u Watch Online Hindi Dubbed  Full Movie Hindilinks4u:


Version1:  MastiHD
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Version2:  Zekeer

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Version3: Dixstage

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Version4:  Videoweed

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Version5:  Moveshare
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Version6: Novma
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Version7:  Nowvideo
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Version8:  Stream
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The bank job(2008)Hindilinks4u Watch Online Hindi Dubbed  Full Movie Story:

The British Security Services (MI5) have taken interest in a safe deposit box located in a bank on London ™s Baker Street. It belongs to a black militant gangster, Michael X, and contains compromising photos of Princess Margaret,[6] which he is keeping as insurance to keep the British authorities off his back. Martine, an ex-model who is romantically involved with an MI5 agent, is caught smuggling drugs

into the country, and to avoid going to jail she makes a deal with the authorities in which she agrees to retrieve the photos. Martine approaches her friend Terry, a struggling car salesman with criminal contacts, and tells him if he can assemble the gang to help her rob the bank he ™ll be richly rewarded, though she doesn ™t tell him about the photos in the deposit box. Terry recruits a small team, including one of his own workers, Eddie, to serve as the look-out, and Dave, a porn actor who once made films for Lew Vogel, a gangster who Dave happens to run into outside of the bank before the robbery. The gang tunnels their way into the bank vault, where they steal money and other valuables, but Terry is suspicious when he notices that Martine only seems to be interested in one box containing nothing but photographs. After they escape together, Terry throws off a pursuit by MI5. By now the police have been alerted to the robbery by a ham radio operator who has picked up the "chatter" from the gang's walkie-talkies, and Lew learns that among the missing safe deposit boxes is his own box, which is full of evidence about his payoffs to crooked cops. He notifies a furious Michael X in Trinidad, who correctly suspects Gale Benson, the lover of a fellow militant, of spying for MI5, and subsequently murders her. Vogel decides that Dave ™s presence outside that particular bank was not a coincidence, and has him tortured for information. Dave gives in, and Lew goes to Terry ™s garage to kidnap Eddie. Meanwhile, a government minister learns that he is also featured in some of the stolen photos, and persuades MI5 to give the robbers new passports and safe passage in exchange for the photos in order to avoid a scandal. One of the crooked cops on Lew's payroll shoots Dave, and threatens to shoot Eddie unless Vogel gets his evidence back. Terry agrees to deliver it to him at Paddington station at the same time he is supposed to be picking up his new passports from MI5, but has meanwhile passed on the details to an honest cop, Roy, who alerts MI5 agents. During the exchange, Lew recognises the agents, and he and the corrupt cops make a run for it. Terry pursues Lew and proceeds to beat him up, but Roy breaks up the fight and arrests Lew and his colleagues. In Trinidad, Michael X is also arrested. With his freedom and his new passport, Terry and his family are seen enjoying a carefree life on their small motor yacht off a sunny beach.

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